Open Doors Pre-Budget Submission 2025
At the Open Doors Initiative, we have been working to advise and consult with business on a more inclusive Ireland through equitable employment and providing skills building programmes for those who are experiencing barriers to employment.
We also want to support government in achieving inclusive integration with practical supports that promote equity. We have prepared a submission for Budget 2025, available to download here. Our key focuses for this year are:
- Make the living wage the minimum wage
- Deliver intensive language classes, to support migrants and refugees improve English language skills and increase employability opportunities
- Fund an employer information service to support the inclusive hiring and retention of employees who have a criminal history
- Amalgamate and streamline existing employment supports for a person with a disability
- Invest and support more entrepreneurship training for marginalised individuals
- Actively support remote working opportunities with further investment and commitment to accessible remote working spaces
- Invest in the creation of a centralised resource hub hosted by ODI for all employability information and guidance for those who are marginalised and experiencing barriers to employability
For any questions or to discover more about becoming an Open Doors partner organisation, please contact