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Open Doors Intitiative logo We need your help!! Take a short survey about access and barriers to work

Supporting Community

We, as supporting community and experts in the given areas, undertake to provide expertise and guidance to the named companies who have taken this pledge, to guide them in providing a path to employment for marginalised groups with whom we work.

We will work with the companies to ensure that they meet the terms of their pledge and help them grow this initiative by sharing our learnings and knowledge with more companies and supporting partners.

We will advise them on the correct ways and mean to create an environment conducive to all workers, regardless of their background. We will work together to help reduce barriers to employment be they economic, cultural, physical, sensory, educational or others to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to find good work.

We will link in prospective employees and those seeking training and other opportunities to the Open Doors Initiative so that they may work together to secure better prospects for the individual and retain qualified staff for the companies.

We are seeking an initial commitment to reduce unemployment across three marginalised groups:

  • Refugee, asylum seekers and non-native English speakers
  • Young people under 25 with educational barriers
  • People with a disability

Should you wish to become a supporting partner, please contact

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If you would like us to support you to find a job in Ireland, access further education/training, or start your own business, the best way to get started is to complete this form and we will be in touch shortly. If you require this form in an alternative format, please contact

If you have a general query, please email us at or use the form below.

Please do not include links or web addresses in your message.

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