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Our Partners

Our work is created and supported by our partner companies. They have all taken a pledge to be inclusive employers and create pathways to employment for marginalised people. Without their forward thinking and dedication to this work, many would still be facing barriers to employment, education and training.

We are honoured to work with such great companies and their employees to further our efforts to build an inclusive community of employers.

If you would like to find out more about what we do, please contact

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Our Partners’ Pledge

We, as corporate citizens, undertake to provide opportunities into the workplace including: training, placements, apprenticeships, community supports and employment opportunities for those people most in need in Irish society.

We will work to meet their needs in a respectful and co-operative way and aim to see them in purposeful engagement where possible.

We will engage in education and advocacy at a national and EU level on the adoption of innovative practices and policies that will remove barriers to employment.

We will be a responsible employer by adhering to the following principles:

We will actively participate in sharing and learning across the network, including forums.

We will share and promote our membership and act as an ambassador to other employers: Employers will cascade their commitment via their supply chains and business networks, to create a multiplier effect encompassing employers, big and small, across Ireland.

Each of our founding partners, and those that join us, sign this pledge.

Open Doors Training

One of the core goals of the work we do is to raise awareness of the barriers that exist for marginalised members of our society and how these impact on their opportunity to access employment, further education and self-employment.

We create awareness through employer training sessions. These sessions cover a variety of topics but all have core objectives and outcomes.



It is important that notification about the training asks attendees if they require reasonable accommodations for the training itself. Where the training is being carried out on the Open Doors Teams account, captions will automatically be provided. PowerPoint presentation will be shared with key contact post-training to share with attendees.

Disability Awareness

Disability Inclusion related training sessions. We offer training sessions that take place from 1 hour to 1.5 hours including time for Q&A. Topics covered will be tailored to the audience. Please contact the Employers for Change team at or on 085 157 9603 for more information or to book your session.

For more details: Disability Awareness Training

Cultural Awareness

This training takes place over a 90 minute online session. Some of the topics covered include understanding Ireland’s multi-cultural society, the business case for becoming a company with better cultural and ethnic diversity, and creating a more inclusive approach to recruiting employees. 

Please contact Talita at for more information on costs or to book your session.

Inclusive Recruitment

The training is delivered by ODI team members and ODI participants with lived experience. The sessions are interactive with various discussions and activities over two hours, and can be delivered online or in-person.

Content covered includes a snap shot of cultural and disability awareness, the employment equality act, reasonable accommodations, the business case for inclusion, and more. 

Please contact Claire at for more information on costs or to book your session.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Workshop

Throughout this interactive workshop participants will explore the key concepts of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB). They will gain a deeper understanding of why these concepts are crucial for your organisation. 

Please contact Claire at for more information on costs or to book your session.


If you would like us to support you to find a job in Ireland, access further education/training, or start your own business, the best way to get started is to complete this form and we will be in touch shortly. If you require this form in an alternative format, please contact

If you have a general query, please email us at or use the form below.

Please do not include links or web addresses in your message.

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